Dogs are interesting creatures. For instance,the only dog in the world that does not have a bark is the Basenji. Also, puppies are born without a sense of sight or hearing and almost no sense of smell.Life expectancy of the average dog is 8 to 15 years. As many dog owners consider their pet a member of the family, they try to find as many ways as possible to treat them like family. One way is to make easy dog treats.
Dog owners will do almost anything to show their love for their pet. Nearly one third of dog owners has a framed picture of their dog or dogs displayed in their home. Making easy dog treats can be a great way to make sure they are getting the right nutrients without harsh ingredients. Unfortunately, not many people know how to make dog treats.
Easy dog treats consist of just a few basic ingredients. The ingredients for easy can include unseasoned meat, potatoes, vegetables, fruit, vanilla yogurt, peanut butter, flour, eggs and other normal baking ingredients. It is important not to include chocolate because it is extremely dangerous to dogs. Also exclude onions, grapes, raisins and limit sugar.