Why Your Pet Needs Organic and Natural Food?

Waynesboro veterinary clinic

Pet lovers reported that the main services or products provided at a veterinary clinic are the physical examination, laboratory tests, medications, and flea or tick products. These services and products are vital, but apart from just taking your furry friend to an animal hospital, there is more to be done to improve their health. Humans spend a lot on nutritious food and healthy living. As a pet owner, it’s equally fair to invest and feed your cat or dog with the same quality food hence the need for organic and natural food. Here are some of the benefits a pet expect to gain from consuming green cat and dog food.

1. No Animal Ingridients
In food processing, using animal by-products is a common practice, and this is what most veterinary doctors discourage. Most of these by-product foods are harmful even to humans so feeding your beloved pet with the same is equally dangerous. Some of these animal ingredients include fillers, ground corn, and corn gluten. In certain amounts, they can lead to diseases and infections. When looking for a suitable pet food, avoid those with artificial flavors or preservatives and opt for all-natural organic food such fish, eggs, and chicken.

2. Allergy-Free Pet
If your dog or cat exhibits signs and symptoms of allergy or skin irritation and the variety of treatments you’ve tried don’t seem to work, try organic food. Allergy in pets is brought about by flavor enhancers, artificial components and chemical additives found in non-organic pet foods. Switching to natural foods gives your pet immune system to combat all forms of allergy and infection.

3.Fewer Digestive Disorders
Organic foods are more digestible than non-organic foods, which contains chemical and artificial components. But the introduction of these additives in pet food has resulted in complications such as vomiting, diarrhea and bloating. To avoid such complications, feed your pet with rich grain food, barley, and proteins that are easy to digest and absorb.

4.Helthier Pets
Periodontal disease is the numb most common clinical condition occurring in adult dogs and cats. This condition tends to appear when your furry mate is at least three years old. With higher levels of nutrition in organic foods, it’s very unlikely for your pet to attract such diseases and even appear gloomy. These foods offer high energy levels and an optimal weight for healthy living.

5.Less Food Needed
Natural green foods are generally expensive, and many pet lovers shun away due to cost implications. In the long run, you’ll find that organic food is actually cheap since they contain a higher level of nutritious ingredients so your pet consumes less food per serving. For example, puppies 8 to 12 weeks old need four meals a day, but when your dog reaches its first birthday, one organic meal a day is enough.

The benefits of feeding your pet with organic food are unlimited. For proper pet care, it’s important that you consistently check on its nutrition. It costs much when you have to take your pet for a check-up now and then. Simply invest in all-natural pet food to avoid unnecessary veterinary visits. Additionally, your pet’s life expectancy and quality of life will significantly improve.

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