Pets are family and we rely on them for unconditional love and support, to cheer us up when we’re down, and to provide company and entertainment in our daily lives. In return, we owe them the best care we can provide, from basics like food and water to play and cuddles and medical care including […]
Author: Pets For Kids
Keeping Up With Your Pet’s Daily Exercise Needs
Any dog owner knows that dogs require a great amount of exercise. Some dog owners find it difficult to keep up with their pets daily exercise needs. While walks are helpful in meeting these daily requirements, they are usually not enough. Providing a wide variety of exercise routines and activities to your pet will increase […]
Five Foods You Should Never Feed Your Dog
It can be hard to resist your dog coming up to your table for scraps. However, there are foods you will want to know can actually be harmful to your puppy friend. One study found that 46.3 million homes in the United States own a dog. Pet insurance for dogs is a great way to […]
How to Identify a Pet Food Allergy
Our pets’ stomachs are far different than our own. And while you may think that your generic cat or dog food is healthy and a-ok for your furry friend, you may be wrong. Caring for your pet isn’t so simple. Food allergies and intolerances account for 10% of allergies in dogs, but can affect cats […]
Why Your Pet Needs Organic and Natural Food?
Pet lovers reported that the main services or products provided at a veterinary clinic are the physical examination, laboratory tests, medications, and flea or tick products. These services and products are vital, but apart from just taking your furry friend to an animal hospital, there is more to be done to improve their health. Humans […]
More Myths and Misconceptions About Canine Heartworm
Although canine heartworm has been diagnosed in all 50 states within the U.S., pet owners still have a lot of misconceptions about this disease, especially when it comes to infection risks. The truth is that canine heartworm is extremely serious and can be fatal in an overwhelming number of cases. We debunked some other common […]
New Pet Health Insurance Covers More Pet Problems
Americans love their pets. Around the country, there are somewhere between 74 and 96 million cats and between 70 and 80 million dogs. About 30 to 37% of American households have cats and between 37 to 47% of them have dogs, according to the American Pet Products Association (APPA). With all of these cats and […]
3 Advantages of Choosing Pet Insurance Plans for Your Furry Friend
It goes without saying that as a pet owner, our furry friends bring us insurmountable joy. They can make us smile on bad days, give us licks when we are feeling down, and will always be there for a nice cuddle on a rainy day. Some owners can even utilize their pets as a form […]