More Myths and Misconceptions About Canine Heartworm

Although canine heartworm has been diagnosed in all 50 states within the U.S., pet owners still have a lot of misconceptions about this disease, especially when it comes to infection risks. The truth is that canine heartworm is extremely serious and can be fatal in an overwhelming number of cases. We debunked some other common […]

New Pet Health Insurance Covers More Pet Problems

Americans love their pets. Around the country, there are somewhere between 74 and 96 million cats and between 70 and 80 million dogs. About 30 to 37% of American households have cats and between 37 to 47% of them have dogs, according to the American Pet Products Association (APPA). With all of these cats and […]

How Healthy Are the Pets Your Family Owns?

Pet owners value the health of their family animals. Whether they own cats, dogs, horses, or other animals, an animal owner often makes the health of his or her pet as an important as any other member of the family. And while pet owners concern themselves with healthy food, healthy rest, and healthy exercise for […]

4 Situations in Which You Need to Have Insurance

There is insurance for everything in the world, these days. Many people think that insurance is the greatest scam of all. While there are certainly some things that you can get insurance for that is entirely unnecessary, (such as additional insurance offered for sending a $5 stuffed toy to your niece when flat rate mailing […]

Dog Dating, Other Websites Can Be Lucrative Business

Americans love their dogs more than any other pets. Surveys have shown that about 70% of people consider themselves “dog people” while only 20% consider themselves “cat people.” People also show love for their pets by spending money on them, to the tune of more than $50 billion a year. This presents a business opportunity […]

Keep Fluffy and Fido Healthy and Happy with Insurance for Pets

There are at least 76.43 million cats across the United States. This fact makes the U.S. the country with the most cats on the planet. At least 46.3 million households around the country have at least one dog. Additionally, Americans spend a lot of money on their pets. We spend 20.46 billion on their food, […]

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